The linked notification form should be used by your Institution in requesting permission to change the location of its Loan and/or Deposit Production Office. Please refer to the linked Loan and/or Deposit Production Office Rule for the specific requirements to effect this relocation.
The institution should ensure that any continued ownership of the existing loan production office facility must be held in compliance with this Office’s Investment in Real Estate for Business Purposes Policy, revised March 14, 2005, a copy of which is linked to this location for your convenience.
If the property where the Loan and/or Deposit Production Office is located is owned by your institution and your Board decides that the property will not be utilized for future premises use, you should also refer to Part 362 of the FDIC’s Rules and Regulations for guidance relating to divestiture requirements.
Any questions you may have concerning the notification should be directed to Deputy Chief Examiner Tim Robichaux at (225) 922-0878.